Amazing Tibetan Food Feast - Eating In A Tibetan Home!

8 years ago

This Tibetan food in West Sichuan was THE BEST food I've had in China. Super heavy and extremely flavourful. I was super lucky to be able to eat at this family's home.
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I felt lucky and grateful to visit this Tibetan home in West Sichuan, near the Siguniang mountain range. The Tibetan food was all delicious, and to experience the Tibetan culture was really an amazing experience!

I came to try the food and hike the mountains, and was staying at a guesthouse that was recommended by a friend in Chengdu (A Lee Ben Guesthouse). It was really slow and only had around 5 guests because it's not a very famous winter destination for Chinese people, which made the whole experience much better!

Every evening, instead of eating in the guesthouse, I was invited to eat with the family, which made various fresh Tibetan food that was a treat to experience and to taste!

I told the owner about my plans for finding and filming some delicious Tibetan food and asked him where I should go to eat it (Since I didn't want to burden his family by asking if I could film).

He mentioned that there is lots of delicious food in the area (Yak Meat, Tibetan Butter Tea, Blood Sausage, Cured Pork, and Wild Mushrooms), but that I didn't need to go hunt around, and invited me to eat AND film at his home with his family for some local food!

At this point I was extremely excited and happy to be able to eat and film local Tibetan food with this family. There was a wood fired wok, as well as a wood stove, which really brought a feel of authenticity to the whole experience. The butter tea was made in a long churn with tons of yak butter and was super sour, salty, and satisfying.

Eating the yak meat was also a really amazing experience. It was really chewy and had a smoky flavour to it but also tasted really earthy. It was covered in spice and Sichuan peppercorn which added a really nice touch to the flavour.

The most unique thing that I ate there was the Zanba, which was made by hand by the grandfather in the Tibetan family. A wild highland barley flour mixed with ghee was added to a nearly empty cup of Tibetan butter tea and mixed thoroughly with his middle finger. The tea mixed in with the butter and Zanba flour was squeezed into a finger sized nugget. These were super sour, salty, pasty, and dry, and were super high in calories from all the Tibetan yak butter.

After the meal I was full and really thankful to have such a wonderful experience. I gave a huge thank you to the grandfather as well as the son who arranged the whole meal for me.

So you're ever in Sichuan province and you want to see some mountains and experience some local Tibetan culture, make sure to come to the Siguniangshan mountain range, just a 7 hour drive west of Chengdu. Amazing mountains, beautiful landscapes, and an authentic place to experience Tibetan culture. Getting there is easy, just take 06:30 am bus from Chengdu Chadianzi bus terminal and get of at the Changping bridge (about 6 hours into the trip.) There are plenty of guesthouses in the area and any will likely be sufficient, but I really enjoyed where I stayed.

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