Recognising the Problem to Mitigate Circulating Spike Protein

1 year ago

Edward Dowd discusses the data of vaccine injury in the USA and the need for people to recognise that they are vaccine injured, so that the ongoing harms of circulating spike protein can be mitigated.

When spike protein enters the circulation, ongoing damage can occur as opposed to those who experience Covid as a respiratory disease which their mucosal immunity blocks from entering the circulation. As such, the health harms occur in those with so-called 'long covid' (the virus breaches the barriers in the respiratory tract) and / or vaccine injury (because injected mRNA introduces spike protein directly into the circulation, bypassing all potential barriers). Both syndromes have a similar range of presentations, and similar recommended treatments. The first thing that is needed, is to find a doctor who will recognise the underlying cause. In large part, due to the restrictions placed on doctors, who are not taught to recognise the spike protein as a toxin, this is not happening.


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