Who are the best performing investors according to Fidelity?

11 months ago

Who are the best performing investors according to Fidelity?
When it comes to investing, its no secret that your biggest enemy is yourself. The average person is absolutely terrible at investing. I would argue that even an above average investor still can not outperform a passively managed index fund like the S&P 500. The average investor is so bad at managing a portfolio that they have underperformed every major asset class for the last 20 years, even inflation. Therefore, the average investor would have been better off just investing in any of these asset classes and not trading in and out of positions.
That brings us to the best performing investors according to Fidelity: people that forgot they had a portfolio. Why did they do so well? There are multiple reasons. People are prone to buy high and sell low, something the reddit community WallStreetBets knows all about. Another reason is people giving into emotions like fear and greed.
I encourage you to consider just investing your money in index funds that have low expense ratios.
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