CDC endorses "chestfeeding" (yes, chemically-induced breastfeeding for biological males) [TWT ep.32]

1 year ago

It’s called harm to children.

This Week in Tyranny: the most hardcore news show on Earth.

A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current
If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

Episode 32 – July 14, 2023

The CDC has seemingly endorsed chemically-induced breastfeeding for biological males raising children. Unsurprisingly, such a scandalous and dystopian headline generated a lot of pushback. While the totality of the issue may be more nuanced than the headline suggests, the phrase “this week in tyranny” could not seem more applicable.

But, who are the tyrants? Is it the transgender population? Or these federal agencies?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention got its start in the area of malaria control. In reality, they are an offshoot of the Rockefeller Foundation, whose activities of the time were largely spraying as many pesticides as possible. John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil money fueled the chemical industry of the day, and continues to fuel modern-day western medicine. These are the CDC’s origins: a method of legitimizing eugenics and population control by embedding it into a government agency, and calling it “health” and “science”.

During the late-1920s, the Rockefeller Foundation created the Medical Sciences Division, which funded women's contraception and the human reproductive system in general, but also was involved in funding controversial eugenics research. The satanic cherry on top is their funding of Alfred Kinsey, a being whose depraved experiments on children’s sexuality live on as an indictment of the human species. Few know, even fewer see, and barely anyone speaks. Whatever place Kinsey does deserve in the history of humanity, it should on the same page as Josef Mengele.

This is the daddy of the CDC. This is why their first order of business was spraying 6 and a half million homes with DDT. If not for Rachel Carson and “Silent Spring”, they would be doing it to this day. Of course, the population control agenda does continue to this day, largely as contraception, reproductive health, and vaccination, especially in third world countries.

But, make no mistake, that agenda is alive in well in the United States, albeit in a more subtle form. Case in point: the CDC’s corporate pandering through a conflation of politically-correct and scientifically-correct language. This latest guideline is an attempt to weaponize the people and the trans demographic against each other. It’s a misrepresentation of the issue of individual rights and sovereignty, as well as the issue of children’s health. It is not the government who will ensure and enshrine the rights and welfare of transgender people. It is the government who will destroy them. And it is not the trans community who is the most immediate and severe threat to children and their innocence- it is us, the common people, our inaction, our failure in teaching the children their rights and self defense, and our unwillingness to put an end to violence against children.

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz

#family #naturallaw #tyranny

00:00 - 11:22 - Introduction/reporting the story
11:22 - 22:00 - Dark history of the CDC
22:00 - 25:20 - Political Correctness
25:20 - 35:00 - Harm to children
35:00 - 42:37 - The solution

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