Single playlist or series playlist? Did you ever think we would be here?

11 months ago

series playlist, ah yes lets go check that right quick, yup, nope, its a single playlist just like the others. Hmm odd that I am having difficulty saving that specific video to this specific playlist, isn't it? Ironic even. Obviously calculated deception is at play and i would like the fantastic folks to share it so people get out of bed and understand the subtle safety precautions to take, to stay part of the conversation.

Did you ever think we would be here? I had no idea the day would come when I make a selection to help others, and get so restricted by doing so, on every single special option you enjoy i get four times the problems.

That's special for me and i welcome more of it for more great content to bring to you to help you and yours, steer around it by using more subtle non defined speech, street lingo, ebonics, redneck, what have you.. let's get back to basics, and really confuse this wire and tinfoil.

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