The Infinite Star Connections - Ep. 076 - Sabrina Campbell

1 year ago

Have you ever communicated with animals? Our guest has natural and amazing abilities to decode the sacred language of the animal kingdom. They are teachers and guides who have so much to share! We are delighted to welcome back Sabrina Campbell!

Sabrina's gifts include Psychic (talk to your higher self and guides), Mediumship (talk to people who have passed), Energy Communication (talk to beings from all areas of the cosmos and many dimensions, some of these may be guides), Angel Communication (speak to your Guardian Angel or Archangel), Animal Communication (talk to animals living and passed), and Soul Sessions where she combines all of these abilities into one session.

Sabrina also has her Reiki 2 and loves how it works alongside the sessions she provides. Sabrina has had these abilities ever since childhood. She can also channel energetic beings or those with no form effortlessly. This skill makes it easier for her clients to get questions answered and help people to move forward from feeling "blocked."

Sabrina has a unique ability to be a clear channel for galactic beings and a conduit of cosmic energies. Her link to the galactic council is strong, and her messages reveal important truths about the nature of the universe and our purpose within it. She also communicates daily with Lord Melchizedek and The Council of Twelve.

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