Podcast Episode 1

1 year ago

Podcast Episode 1
On Courage: to Assist you in cultivating a greater appreciation of the many Blessings of your life

A Little Intro to my titles: What do I mean by STASTR and WUASTC and WBP (Why Whole Brain Podcast? Unify the left and right brain, rewire our humaness/humanity, introduce them to each other; what DOES the left brain do? (Analyze, scientific, non-emotional, What DOES the RIGHT BRAIN DO? (Intuition/getting out of the way – needed for labor).
Smell – Olfactory.

Stop and Smell the Roses ~ Slow Down You Move Too Fast. Fun. Groovy. Accelerated Times. Overwhelm.
Quote: Definition of Courage (Strength, Relaxation, Confidence, Openness to the Mystery): A variety of Quotes on Courage from Internet

Steps: Relax/De-stress, Gratitude, Educate, Show Up, Garner Your Protection; What are you Called to aka What are Your Passions? Sharing. Beliefs. Willingness to Explore/Curious. Personality. Perspective. Triggers. Slammed/Attacked/Shamed/Name Calling. ~ Immaturity (don’t engage/NonJudgement/Model what you want – I.e. as a parent to children).

Relax First; Raise your Frequency (Confidence) & Reducing Stress by: Walking, Exercising, hiking, communing with nature, getting out in the morning sun, receiving a massage or some form of bodywork I.e acupuncture, getting out of your mental machinations (left brain), drawing/painting or other choosing some other kind of right brain activity about COURAGE that raises your frequency and confidence to that vibe. Dance or Listen to Music! Take a sauna or hot bath with essential oils (geranium, clarysage, citrus, vetiver). Read/Listen to an inspirational story (book) or Podcast I.e. Horton Hears a Who / Recent interview on Rumble ore Bitchute. Just for the sake of Exploring/Curious/OpenMindedness…challenge yourself to listen to someone you normally wouldn’t listen to…Joe Rogan, Michelle Moore, Megan Kelly.

Gratitude: Grateful to the MANY Mentors and courageous ones who have come before us. To those who have stuck their necks out there; made many sacrifices tp ensure the levels of exposure: corruption, deceit, lies etc. in ALL our current systems: education, government, medical, food, etc. Whether they are true or not! We gotten keep doing that ~ courage, but also to see your value, your creativity, your contribution. Acknowledge your Ways ~ i.e. introverted. Thank yourself for the ways you have shown up and challenged the “norm” or stepped out of the box aka the Matrix ~ List 3x you have shown up in the last couple of years. For example “protest,” write a controversial/challenging letter or have a conversation with an authority figure/group/family member. Be Curious!

Moving Molecules
Creating your Reality with your Thoughts & Words as a form of action. Let go of Self-Defeating thoughts. Learn how to Focus and have an Intention with your thoughts.
Don’t just sit there (watching tv, netfilix, engaging in mindless activities (eating), numbing out.
Do something mindful, thoughtful, fun, relaxing, rejuvenating (play an instrument, be outdoors more ~ garden, less computer time)
Start Visualizing/Day Dreaming what could be; Know that what you attract is created by your thoughts and words. Achieve Balance between work & family.

Educate Yourself
What does Courage mean to YOU? Why Embrace that Energy? (Review Newsletter) ~ Taking a Leap of Faith, Strength, Confidence, Bravery, Determination, Fearlessness, Fortitude (Difficulties with).
For Example: What does FEAR vs. FEARLESSNESS mean? Pick it Apart.
Add Intuition (What does Mean to Follow your Guts aka your Intuition). Where in your body do you feel your Intuition resides? In your Heart, Below your Belly Button?
What are Synonyms? (Audacity, Darelessness, Heroism, Bravery, Determination, Endurance/Tenacity)
Email from Friend: “willingness to face/admit/and keep going no matter what comes up…..fear, timidity, powerlessness, guilt, shame and any other lie we’ve been telling ourselves. Courage to me….is standing up and letting it all shine….whatever that means to each. Bold action.”
What does stepping out of the box mean ~ Nobody said anything about that?
Again, What are your Passions? Discover them. For Example: Children, Sports & Mask Wearing in Addition to getting the jab PROTEST)

How to Protect Oneself. How do you do that? For me its a lot about Erasing My Fears!
Know your Rights! Believe in Yourself and Others. For example, you may be passionate about the law (and challenging it), standing for justice/truth government; jurisdiction, status, property, you may want to study & learn the Original Constitution (1787), Bill of Rights & the Amendments
Wear your Armor of God (Maine story). Stand your Ground (in the face of all shadow; feet rooted in Readiness). Don the Belt of Truth & Discernment, Put on the Breastplate of Strength & Boldness. Helmut of Salvation to thwart Anxieties & Fears. Carry the Sword of the Spirit aka the Word of God with Confidence. Always Show Love & Respect. Know that God Has Your Back. Don the Attitude of Invincibility. (In some Circumstances) ask Yourself Be if you are willing to Die/Sacrifice). AKA “Standing in your Square” by David Straight.
Call in Your Personal Power/Believe in Yourself & Your Team/Smudge/Protection Team ~ For Example: Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Holy Ones. Animal Spirits, Four Directions (including Center) from the 5-D, the Pure Land, Brough by your Higher Self.
Strength in Numbers ~ maybe TAKE ACTION with others OR have a friend/ mentor support and help you! A Life Line. (No Shame in that! For Example: Doula for the doula).
• Start Small & Build Up From There: No Brainer vs 3 months to Get Up Guts

• SONG: KALYANI & Circle Up? / “Courageous Creator” / Malalani ~ In the Heavenly Garden ~ Kalyani is from Rough & Ready CA go to https://soundcloud.com/kalyani-marsh for more songs by Kalyani
(“you were never broken and you were born of infinite Light and you were always chosen to be among the courageous ones…willing to Be Love, Nurture Patiently, see the Beauty, to Be Free…Creating Consciously.”
End Part I

Wake up and Smell the Coffee! Challenge you a Bit More to Take it up a Notch
On Courage to breakthrough, wake up and activate your daily creations!

Quote: From: “Power vs. Force”: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by David R. Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D. pg. 84 Courage is the Turning Point: Power/Empowerment – Beginning of that Scale starting at 20 going to 1,000.Above 200 are the characteristics of “Energy Levels of Human Consciousness”: of Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace, Enlightenment. Below 200 is Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief/Sadness, Fear, Desire, Anger, Pride (Vulnerability).

Steps: Follow the Above Advice & Tap into your current Passion(s). Discover what they are!
Be Adventurous (Take Risks) & even be Playful (don’t take yourself too serious/what makes you laugh/what brings you joy). Move molecules for yourself and others!

List 3 Actions: You’re gonna take on that which requires Courage! Remind yourself of what Courage is and how courageous you are!

[Tik Tok Link: Being a Bystander: The Choice is Yours. Horton Hears a Who Show up more! Commit to NOT being a BYSTANDER (show & share thought/opinions afterwards the Goldfish Tik Tok)
List 3 things you are going to DO (not just think about) in order to fulfill/take action on your commitment to doing something courageous aka out of the box/matrix.
Challenge yourself NOT TO DISCONNECT/NUMB OUT (is that what society wants you to do. Be PRESENT. Don’t blindly follow the sheeple. (Sound like your mother: Don’t drink or do drugs. Don’t numb out).]

Review First Half of Podcast: Stop & Smell the Roses
Always DON your “protection” – i.e. your “Armor of God.” Story about Maine visit.

Strength in Numbers – gonna tell you a little story @ bullying that I was involved with for 7 years or so in my community.

Choose YOUR way/What are YOUR Passions ~ what is comfortable for you? And yet what stretches you a little, medium, a lot! (college clowns/radio)

Report/Share with Another ~ Before & After as a Way to Motivate Yourself, Glean some Support (and possible “Engage a Lifeline” during the process).

Engage your Senses & Be Whole Brained in your Approach: Be Smart/Wise/Intelligent/Forthcoming (know WHY you are doing this activity), Fiercely Loving, Kind, Generous, Boundried, Open-Minded, Open-Hearted. Trust/Know you are Divinely Guided, Divinely Protected. Be Your own Courageous Creator! RESONANCE!.

End Part !!

Go out with some Music to Entice/Tickle your Right Brain
By Chris Chickering / The Resurrection of Me (title track of his 2014 album) 3:47


Thanks for joining me, Elizabeth Rose. It is my hope that this whole brain podcast has assisted you in your daily creations, and I hope it has wiped away any heavy sands which have fallen across your eyes and seduced you into a long, long sleep…Time to wake up now!

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