Christians CAN'T have DEMONS! 25 Counter Arguments to use!

9 months ago

Christians can't have demons is a long-going debate amongst many ministers in the Christian sphere but most of the people making this argument aren't backing it up with scripture! What does the Bible say? I will give you 25 arguments backed with scripture to help arm you for when you hear this from someone! You don't want to miss this video! Send to a friend who needs this.

1. If deliverance is not necessary any longer where did all the demons go? They were there when Jesus
was around did they leave when the apostles died?

2. You believe we should obey what Jesus told the disciples to, except for when it comes to casting out
demons, what else should we not obey that Jesus clearly said to do.

3. Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 28 to "Teach them to obey everything I commanded of you". Did He
mean everything but casting out demons?

4. Where does the Bible say demons leave when someone gets saved?

5. If Christians can’t have demons how can they have a sickness, which the Bible makes clear
can come from a demon.

6.If Christians cant have demons what is the point of casting out demons? Wouldn't you just
get people saved, and the demons automatically leave?

7.Why did Phillip cast out demons in Acts 8 after they heeded his message, shouldn't he just have
lead everyone to Christ and their demons would automatically leave?

8.Do you know any legitimate deliverance ministers that actually believe Christians cant have demons?

9.Can you show one verse in all of the bible that says a Christians can't have a demon?

(Without using 2 Corinthians 6:15 is about partnering with unbelievers, and 1 Corinthians 6:19 is about sexual
sin. Neither verse is about Christians having demons).

10.Paul says if you have anger, you give place to the devil, (Ephesians 4:27)
where does the devil go if you give him a place?

11. If Christians cant have demons, how did satan fill Anania's heart (Acts 5)
after being filled with the holy spirit in Acts 4.

12. Satan entered Judas; he was an apostle but not a Christian?

13. do you have one Bible instance where demons left when someone got saved? you have any scripture to show deliverance is not for born-again believers?

15.If deliverance isn't for believers wouldn’t the demons come back 7 times worse?

16.If you don’t cast demons out of believers, who do you do deliverance on?

17.Why do you think it’s ok to pick and choose which of Jesus' commands we obey?

18.Why don’t you accept the testimony of Christians who say they were delivered after they were saved?

19.Can you give one verse showing how deliverance changes after Pentecost?

20.When did the demons from your unsaved life ever come out

21. Can you show in the Greek language the difference between oppressed and possessed?

22. Can you show one place a demon was only on someone and not in someone? Did Jesus ever cast
demons off of people?

23. Can you show one place in scripture that casting out demons was only for the apostles?

24. Mark 16 says all who believe will cast out demons. Does that verse no longer apply to us, and if
so where does the Bible say that no longer applies?

25. The only method in scripture of getting demons out of people was casting them out. If we are not supposed to do that today.
What is the method, according to scripture, to get demons out of people.

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#Debate #CounterArguments #Deliverance

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