Sound of Freedom is Controlled Opposition

1 year ago

Jim, Tim and Jordan have been using 'masonic gang signs' and both highly inappropriate body language and inappropriate reactions to the topic of things like child rape and torture in their interviews.

People think that because Jim PLAYED Jesus he is Jesus! When in reality he's a paid liar for a living and there have been plenty of other white collar criminals hiding in plains sight too, the "religious" types.

They love a good cover of adopted kids too... poor kids.

And how are people just letting the Disney link and the millions made OFF of this suffering slide on by? I believe this is a psyop to install fear into parents for more control, like the 'War on Terror' did, and to make people ASK to be protected with overreach aka Controlled. Cameras AI etc Like China. They will also use this as an excuse for digital currency to turn off the funds to 'these types'.. Its a also a distraction from Epsteins high ranking customers, of yet NONE have come to trial yet.

Its quite enlightening that on Wikipedia (shill site) the controlled opposition to this movie were Vice news (shill news, Soros) Slate (Echo chamber shill) and Anne Gallagher, who works closely with The Guardian (shill news) and the WEF!

The narrative of "if you're against this movie you must be a pedophile" is reminiscent of "if you don't get the jab you'll kill grandma".

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