The Trans Agenda Pt. 1: The Psychology of Evil

11 months ago

The transgender movement is not a cultural phenomena. It’s an intentional attack upon our children. The proponents of the movement are, almost without exception, male sexual deviants.

Some of these people have scientific credentials, and use them to promote a society in which their deviancy will be acceptable.

They are also without exception, sociopaths and psychopaths. People who have neither empathy nor remorse. It’s not just that they don’t care what happens to the victims of their agenda. Some of the aforementioned deviants with credentials are also known sex offenders. People who enjoy harming others.

Jon Uhler is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, a Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider, and is forensically Certified in the Hare Psychopathy Checklist.

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