New Shooter 101 is a COMPLETE CURRICULUM for training new shooters

11 months ago

An important message for Patriot Shooters:

Every day our country becomes more divided.
Tempers are flaring.
Our freedoms are disappearing.
Gun rights are under attack.
Truth is not permitted.
Are you fed up?
Is it finally time to do something?

Help preserve the Second Amendment by teaching beginners how to shoot. Take advantage of our training curriculum for new shooters that focuses on defensive shooting skills – not target shooting.

Our Founders believed that a citizen militia is necessary to defend against both outside attacks AND government tyranny. The need for this may come sooner than we think.

We believe that any competent shooter can become qualified to teach beginners how to shoot. Get started using our FREE video-based dry-fire curriculum for training new shooters.

Our dry-fire classes can be taught anywhere – your church, clubhouse, even your garage or barn. Teach the basics with dry-fire training. Then go shooting later – in the woods, gravel pit, farm or ranch, or shooting range.

We've used this method to teach hundreds of beginners how to shoot. Many of them had never held a handgun before.

Learn more at

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