The Gospel of Jesus - The Rapture - Don't Take the Mark of the Beast!

1 year ago

This week we will continue in the series of the Rapture. Today we will look into the mark of the beast. If you are left behind, you will be forced to take the mark of the beast. If you do not take the mark, you will be killed. The reason is, you are openly rejecting the Triune God (God the Father, The Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit). By accepting to worship the beast (e.g., Satan) you have made a public choice. This choice has dire consequences and those consequences are living in damnation for eternity. If you do not believe God will reject you as you reject Him, read (Luke 16:19-31)

As a true believer we will not have to make this choice! We will be meeting Jesus in the air and we will be in heaven with Him before any of this takes place. This is my pre-tribulation position I believe in. God will not let us experience His final judgement as in Revelation 3:10 tells us. Therefore, I believe that God will take His church out of the way for Judgment on this earth.

To be assured of being in heaven during this judgment, I encourage you to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, repent your sins and start to live the life Christ has given to you for Him so you may live with Him for eternity in the kingdom of heaven.

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