Sentinels of Earth Prime - Golden Age Bowman Unlock

1 year ago

I made numerous attempts to get this, but I kept having really bad luck with draws. It is possible for this one to be one of the easiest you can get in the game, or it can be an utter nightmare, forcing you to dig through your entire deck to achieve. Sadly, this game was the latter, and I opted to do it with Meta Mind so I could game the system a little bit with its flip.

In order to get the unlock, you need to play 5 specific cards. Lead with Bowman Lineage, Practice Makes Perfect 3 times, then finish with Bowman Lineage and you get it. Simple, right?

As for Bowman, I'm just not that impressed with him. He reminds me too much of Expatriette, except her guns packed more of a punch. If you can get the right ongoings in play, he can do a bit of damage, but he lacks the cards in his deck to find what he needs, instead having a bunch of random draws. When you get him setup, it is pretty nice, but you need to make sure the villain does not have the means to wipe the field, otherwise it is back to square one.

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