Unproven Cancer Treatment | Burzynski Clinic | Cancer Therapy | Documentary

1 year ago

Unproven Cancer Treatment - At the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, cancer patients undergo a controversial therapy that administers antineoplastons.

Unproven Cancer Treatment (2013)
Director: Eric Merola
Writers: Jon Barratt, Eric Merola
Stars: Lindsey Apostolo, Terri Bainbridge, Hannah Bradley
Genre: Documentary, News
Country: Japan, United States, United Kingdom
Language: English
Also Known As: Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business, Part II
Release Date: March 2013 (United States)
Filming Location: Los Angeles, California, USA

For most patients undergoing Burzynski's treatment, their advanced cancer itself runs secondary to the constant barrage of skepticism coming not only from their local oncologists, but also from friends and family who feel their loved ones are making suspect treatment decisions-even though mainstream oncology has already left many of them for dead. As the story unfolds, you will observe a real-time change of hearts and minds from many of their doctors and families-by showcasing interviews with board-certified oncologists, surgeons and neurosurgeons, who witnessed their patients leave their care, soon to return in great health after opting for the Burzynski Clinic. You will be placed into the turbulent journey of how the cancer industry utilizes its now usurped regulatory agency (FDA) to both block Antineoplastons' Phase 3 clinical trial process, and orchestrate a group of "information hit men" to pollute all channels of public information in an effort to confuse the public over the truth behind Antineoplastons. This international group also engages in the intimidation and harassment of prospective and current terminal cancer patients under Dr. Burzynski's care. Meanwhile, Dr. Burzynski and his patients are left to undergo their potentially life-saving therapy in a metaphorical war zone.

"I recommend watching this documentary for everyone interested in alternatives to cancer treatment. Much stronger then any review published here are the true testimonies shown in both parts of Burzynski: Cancer IS Serious Business. Take your own conclusion. It just confirms my opinion that west medicine became a big business where disease is more important then healthy life. Medicine became an industry where money is the highest and most important target. If you had lost any dear people for cancer, don miss this documentary! Do not pay attention to bad reviews, as I said before, take your own conclusion."
- written by "macnandoster" on IMDb.com

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