Loosening Our Grip Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Loosening Our Grip Energy Vlog Title is from The StarSeed Oracle card for today, July 16, 2023, thus #3 the Empress card she of beauty grace and fecundity ofthe creative earthmother.
The Schumann Resonance today disclosure site showed us an amplitude power of 24 at 8:30 AM UTC, thus we have Justice freeing the lovers to find hamony and grace the empress sent them. The quality power was at 6.60, thus we have the Hanged Man suspending action to find a change of perspective through his sacrifice of hanging by one foot. The frequency average was 7.70, theus the temperance card for the second day. Of course we must be balanced and hamoousl with our lover. Taking it all in we have the Empress Earth Mother blessing the Lovers with her grace as they aid the Hanged Man loosen his grip and find a new tempr erance balance as he gets back on his feet.

The Star seed card Loosen your Grip tells us be aware of you coping mechanisms density and addictions. Let God In this sunday and know you can be healed.
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