Little Girl Has The Most Uncommon Snack

8 years ago

Everything is possible in the world of children. Especially toddlers. They have ways of getting the best and the worst of us. No adult can stay impervious to their manipulative yet naïve nature. Their Universe revolves around their parents and their games. Every child is curious and their curiosity sometimes borders with foolishness. Their quest for constantly discovering new things is what makes them children at the first place. Unlike adults and their complicated minds.

Getting to know the world for toddlers mean experiencing everything through the mouth. No matter what. Lots of things. And in all their innocence we dwell, they amaze us, they make us wonder and question things and at the end they are great teachers.

This little girl is probably the best example of showing that everything can be tasted through the mouth. And everything can make a perfect snack, as long as it is colorful and looks like marshmallow. And indeed, if she didn’t sit on the sidewalk in front of her house, you would have thought that she has the most delicious box of bright-colored marshmallow.

But no sooner we shed a second look, it becomes as clear as a day that she has been actually eating chalks. Being caught red handed, this little girl does not want to admit that, not even when her mom says that she has chalk all over her face. ‘No, no’ is the only word the comes out of her mouth and she even says that they aren’t yummy. She definitely likes to play tricks with her mom. Nobody can get mad at this cute face not even when she is caught at the very act of eating them.

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