Ralph Norman DESTROYS Maxine Waters. CONGRESS' MATH is DISTURBING #maxinewaters #math #congress

11 months ago

Welcome to the Common Sense Garage, where today Ralph Norman of South Carolina gives Maxine Waters a much-needed lesson in basic economics. The conversation unveils some sobering truths about the realities of fossil fuels, the constraining effects of current policy on construction, and a much-needed clarification on housing affordability.

In the world we live in today, battery-powered dump trucks and airplanes are a far cry from reality, and fossil fuels remain the primary source of power in America. However, this seems to be a concept lost on some Democrats who appear to overlook the significance of gasoline and natural gas. But the implications of this aren't confined to just transportation – it extends to housing too. With the supply chain for housing construction materials becoming increasingly strained, housing projects are being cancelled en masse. Why? Simply because getting the necessary supplies on time is becoming increasingly challenging.

Norman sheds light on the Democrats' role in this construction conundrum. The Democrats, he asserts, are slowing down the housing market, hindering the creation of new homes. This not only impacts those trying to build homes, but also those trying to buy them. Norman also clarifies the misconception around mortgage fees, stating that it's the Democrats who have inflated these costs.

Furthermore, he criticizes Waters' attempt to address these issues with government intervention. He stresses the importance of free market competition in driving down costs and enhancing housing affordability. To sum up, Norman's conversation with Waters provides a hard-hitting reality check on the current state of affairs in the housing market. Tune in to hear more about these pressing issues and join the conversation!

#RalphNorman #MaxineWaters #FossilFuels #Gasoline #NaturalGas #Democrats #HousingCrisis #ConstructionDelays #HousingMarket #MortgageFees #GovernmentIntervention #FreeMarket #Competition #CommonSenseGarage #HousingAffordability

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