#9 Growing Pains

10 months ago

Posting these piano videos has been a game-changer for my life. For so long, the idea of putting what I create online has had a negative connotation. I’m probably terrified of the judgment deep down, even if I don’t outwardly say so.

Yet as Seth Godin frames it: To not make your work available is to not provide generosity where you otherwise could. Perhaps nobody will benefit from me putting out videos of me growing at my artform—there’s always a chance of that; there are no guarantees. But what if you help one person by sharing?

If you don’t make your art available, it serves nobody but you.

This practice of posting my progress on the piano every week will continue and I hope to become even more disciplined and structured. And I can already feel it influencing how I think about the rest of my work. I’d like to post these videos to YouTube eventually, cultivating listeners there; I’d like to take my writings and put them online; I’d like to take my doodles and post those as well.

Will it benefit anyone?

Maybe not.

But I’m learning through these growing pains, it’s something I must do.

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