Who gives these men the life jackets. Who is the boats owner?

10 months ago

Ignore the muslim music at the start. Who gives these men the life jackets. Who is the boats owner. Who supports these criminals?
We are not some Hitler nazy's for being anti migrants. This is left's propaganda to make people afraid of expressing their honest thoughts. White people are trained to feel guilt when we shouldn't. Why feel guilty if you are not a criminal? Past generations choices are not ours
Join Herbalism Healing here for Healing: https://t.me/HerbalismHealing
We are on twitter, follow us there: https://twitter.com/MigrantsOut
Protect yourself from 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/

We are organising on the fb group a push against migrants, join it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1036033587383841

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