Heaven Land Devotions - Spiritual Environments

1 year ago

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There are many believers that can never find a consistent quiet space to go to for prayer and Bible reading. Nowhere to exhale and breathe in Christ and be in His Presence. When they finally find it, they are always met with interruptions of a thousand kinds.

They find tiny spots in the house or other places to get away to. They have to work at keeping those times and places as holy ground. But there is never a certainty from day to day of uninterrupted silence. There are many scenarios.

Sometimes it is the enemy, and mostly it is just life. People we live with, children and family members, even pets.

I love these words from Henry Drummond: “Talent develops itself in solitude—the talent of prayer, of faith, of meditation, of seeing the unseen; character grows in the stream of the world's life. That chiefly is where men are to learn love.”

Be thankful for your lot in life though it be not what you like. And remember Jesus may never give you external uninterrupted spiritual environments. But He will give you His Holy Spirit who becomes your internal, spiritual environment so you can be anywhere noisy, clamorous, and busy, but within there is His quiet habitation in you.

"When I consider the cross of Christ, how can anything that I do be called sacrifice?" ~ Amy Carmichael

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