Youtility by Jay Baer - The 1 Minute Summary

1 year ago

Learn how to transform your marketing from selling to being useful first in this summary of Jay Baer's international bestseller Youtility.

This 1 minute video reveals Baer's argument that companies need to shift their focus from selling to being useful first. Baer defines "youtility" as marketing that has utility and adds value for customers. Youtility marketing uses social media, blogs, videos, apps and other channels to provide useful information and services that customers will want to share with others. The goal is to create word-of-mouth marketing by being useful and valuable first, then selling second.

The strategies in this video include providing how-to guides, creating useful tools and apps, answering customer questions through social media, sharing industry news and insights, and hosting online communities. Baer explains that youtility marketing builds trust, loyalty and advocacy. When customers find a company useful, they are more open to purchasing that company's products and services.

The principles of shifting from selling to being useful first and providing value through youtility marketing are summarized in this short but powerful book summary video to inspire you to transform your marketing and build word-of-mouth, trust and loyalty that leads to more sustainable growth.

Key points:
• Provide how-to guides, tips, checklists and other educational content
• Create useful tools and apps that make customers' lives easier
• Answer customer questions quickly and thoroughly
• Share industry news, trends and insights that are interesting and valuable
• Host online communities and forums where customers can help each other
• Make it easy for customers to take action from your marketing
• Build trust, loyalty and advocacy by being useful first
• Focus on understanding what customers actually want and serving them
• Shift from "selling to strangers" to "serving customers"

Youtility provides a framework for transforming your marketing from selling to being useful first in order to build word-of-mouth, trust and loyalty that leads to more sustainable growth.

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#customers #engagement #influence #trust #loyalty #advocacy #value
#booksummary #knowledge #learn #education #tips #insights #business

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