The Eternal Struggle Between Tom and Jerry Caught In Real Life

8 years ago

Cats are born with natural hunting instincts, and many believe that they should be allowed to put those instinct to use. Cats kill mice, it has always been so. In modern cartoon shows like 'Tom and Jerry' cats and mice continue the eternal struggle between hunter and prey.

These two were playing <a href="" target="_blank">Tom and Jerry</a> in real life and the footage was filmed on May 15, 2015 when a clever mouse climbed and hid in a tire in an attempt to avoid the cat and escape his fate, the rodent stands completely paralyzed.

In the first several seconds you might not see the mouse’s hiding spot, but after a few moments you will notice it camouflaged like a chameleon. The cat will take a dozen turns around the tire, hopelessly searching for mouse’s whereabouts. However, cats can even “taste" smells, as they have an enormous amount of smell receptors in their noses, and that makes the fluffy feline a total mouse-hunting machine.

Besides their unique sense of smell, cats also rely on other senses to enhance their mouse-hunting skills. A cat’s eyesight and hearing are a big help with their natural hunting and chasing instincts. All of these senses allow cats to pinpoint the location of mice and other rodents, making them a high-alert, patient, nearly <a href="" target="_blank">perfect predator of mice</a>.

In the end, the cat finally spots the mouse and snatches it with the mouth. She is they seen taking the prey away somewhere safe. The poor rodent is hanging from cat’s mouth and hoping that the game is not over yet!

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