Article Video - The Definition of Racism - Sunday, July 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Definition of Racism - Sunday, July 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Racism is multi-color and multi-cultural tribalism.

It impacts all groups wherever diversity exists.

Remember the long process that humanity has endured to arrive at this moment, with different tribes of people fighting against each other about nearly everything you can think of.

Religious beliefs. Skin color. Land. Money. Bad breath. You name it.

We've always been able to pick fights with each other, but usually, it's over some idea we (frustratingly) can't prove, or some material advantage ---- but it's based on perceived differences.

I say "perceived" differences, because for racism to be effective, it has to be based on something we can see, some visual element, sign, or signal, that tells us, "Yes, he's part of our special little group." or "No, he's not part of our special little group."

Be it a uniform or a headdress or simply the color of our skin, in order for racism and what I call non-specific hatred to be effective and efficient, there has to be some sort of visual cue.

Oh, he has a flat nose, therefore....

It could also be an auditory cue, such as someone speaking Spanish, but there has to be something, some identifier, that creates a perceived difference between people.

If we see the Truth, then we see that our bodies aren't different in any significant way, that uniforms are just pieces of cloth, and that disliking or distrusting other people for any reason but their own specific words and actions, is irrational.

It's downright crazy. It really is.

I long ago decided that the only sane way to interact with other people is to be fearless and take them each one as they come, for who they are as individuals.

If someone is a Liar and Hate-monger, selfish, hard-hearted, and criminal, I reserve my right to avoid them, fight them, or do whatever I must do --- but I don't hate whole races and religions for the sake of twisted individuals.

They're just twisted individuals, and psychopaths come in all colors and adopt all sorts of religions.

We are all mature and sentient enough to realize this for ourselves, so why don't we?

I have often looked at racists and religious zealots and thought --- these people are terrified.

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