Public and International Notice: About Convictions of Fourteenth Amendment CITIZENS - Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article Video - Public and International Notice: About Convictions of Fourteenth Amendment CITIZENS - Sunday, July 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz
Public and International Notice: About Convictions of Fourteenth Amendment CITIZENS - Anna Von Reitz

We have repeatedly touched upon the subject of Fourteenth Amendment citizens, defined as "citizens of the United States" by the Territorial Congress acting to latch upon the allegedly "stateless" freed plantation slaves, and serving to create a new kind of citizenship by legislative fiat.

We have noted that this citizenship and the Fourteenth Amendment establishing it was created and enforced under the so-called Corporate Constitution published in 1868.

This document looked very, very similar to the actual Territorial Constitution called The Constitution of the United States of America, but it was a different kind of "constitution" altogether, and represented the Articles of Incorporation of a Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated, with the word "Incorporated" omitted so as to foster a despicable fraud upon the American people and the rest of the world.

This Corporate Constitution was never ratified by the States of the Union because as a foreign corporation's Articles of Incorporation it needed no ratification by our States. Likewise, its "Amendments" served as By-Laws and required no ratification, either.

This is why the 14th, 15th, 16th, and all subsequent Amendments to this document are not ratified by the States of the Union. It's uncertain at this point whether or not the 13th Amendment purportedly abolishing slavery was ever ratified, either.

It was the 14th (definitely Unratified) Amendment to this Corporate Constitution that created "Fourteenth Amendment" citizenship and Fourteenth Amendment citizenship obligations for "citizens of the United States".

When one reads the Congressional records related to these actions it is clear that most members of the Territorial Congress thought that they were doing something good and necessary. They were acting under the idea that the Southern States would not accept the freed plantation slaves, and that something had to be done to provide these "stateless" people with a political status.

Unfortunately, when they created this political status, they also latched onto the living men and women and whatever they possessed, as chattel backing the debts of the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America" --- Incorporated.

That is to say, that contrary to the idealism and expressed intentions of the Territorial Congress, their actions resulted in the freed plantation slaves being "latched upon" and subjected to foreign citizenship obligations and debts owed by a foreign corporation merely pretending to be or to represent The United States of America -- our Federation of States.

The former plantation slaves were freed from private slavery and redefined as public slaves, instead.

These new "citizens of the United States" were obligated to accept any debt addressed to them. If they did not, they were pre-judged as criminals and subject to immediate sentencing, with no need to hear any facts or law or evidence.

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