Domestic Violence Advocacy Organisations A Crock?

1 year ago

I have a great deal of cynicism about many charities, advocacy organisations and authorities like local councils, as you can see from my videos here.
In this video I talk about an ABC News article about some 600 domestic violence perpetrators being rounded up by NSW Police:
I find it amazing that it has taken so long for some serious action from any police force, anywhere, to seriously attend to domestic violence matters.
This is the domestic violence advocacy crowd mentioned in my video:
Have a look at their site and see what you think, in reference to what I say about them.
Some wrongdoings by Magistrates, in regard to matters mentioned in this video-note the terrorist watchlist item about Khalif Shire Ali:
"Cultural differences" indeed:
And the same Magistrate mucking up:
The history of Adrian Ernest Bayley's offending-how could anyone allow this monster to roam the streets?:
I think I am correct in thinking that the judiciary must be held liable for letting these monsters roam the streets.
You will all find references to Man Horan Monis easily. No need for me to put them up, but just one anyway:
How the hell could this man be let loose-ever?
A little clue:
One reason I am so cynical of these advocacy organisations is because they are massively duplicated.
This goes especially for homelessness and other services. Go and have a look yourself-you might be surprised at what you see.
And if refugee services can place hundreds of thousands of refugees and immigrants, why is it that domestic homeless homeless numbers keep spiraling?
In Geelong, the numbers have gone from 167 (verified by someone in the industry) to some 1700-1800 whilst the local refugee/immigrant organisation, Cultura (formerly Diversitat) say, on their own website, that they settle some 300 people per year in Geelong and district.
This seems like some sort of reverse discrimination to me, when our politicians' mandate (contract) is " act in the best interests of their constituents."
About Cultura-and this is ongoing:

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