Lucifer's 1000 Year Reign Coming to an End. also:- Some Stuff Bob and I went thru recently!

1 year ago

Whistleblower Bob will Talking to Us All about how Lucifer's 1000 Yr reign is Coming to an End and how he will be returned to Tartaris/ Hell for Eternity.
We are on the Verge of Massive Change as a Planet and Human Species!
How History has been
re-written in order to Confuse the Masses of Our Supposed Current Timeline!
To Divert Is from the Truth Of The Golden Age being Upon Us being Much Closer than We thought.

Also Today, Whistleblower Bob and Myself will be Briefly talking about our recent experiences with Certain Individuals that We Both have worked with, and how We have both been left with a Bad Taste by them!
We have been Mistreated, Disrespected and Mistreated, and Highly Disregarded!
And highly Underestimated in Relation to Our Knowledge and How Much we'd Love to share it.
But Unfortunately there are those that like to Control the Narrative and Follow their Own Agenda, distracting etc etc!!!
This Truther Disclosure Community has been Exposed to the Woke and I'm So Over those thinking they Know Who's Who, Jumping in the Deep End and Disinformation is then Introduced to Our Audiences Via Infiltrators that have also come along out of nowhere!
Ishmael Perez!!
Alot of Theorising and Shite being Spoken with No Facts Photos Or Evidence to Back any of it up.
And Bjb and I reckon It's Time to set the Record Str8!!
Whistleblower Bob and Myself will be Briefly talking about our recent experiences with Certain Individuals that we both have worked with, and how We have both been left with a Bad Taste by them!
We have been Mistreated, Disrespected and Mistreated, and Highly Disregarded!
This Truther Disclosure Community has been Infiltrated, and it's time to Set the Record Straight!

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