Repentance - Session 3

1 year ago

This is the third of seven messages Pastor Doug Riggs gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow recorded November-December 2011.
Here are my notes:
o This session Doug dives into the call to repentance for the churches in Revelation 2 and 3, those that existed in the time John was given to write these seven letters and to the church throughout the 2,000 years of our history, culminating now in these last days.
o The pathway to apostacy includes “when you begin to reject divine order and allow all kinds of teachings to come in that are contrary to the word of God.”
o Doug has taught us for a long time that the warnings to the churches of Thyatira, Sardis and Laodicea of pending judgment have yet to be fulfilled. These judgments will occur prior to the rapture. Those who say there are no prophecies left to be fulfilled prior to the imminent return of Christ for the church do not consider these prophecies in Revelation 2 and 3. One will do well to go through the series of nine messages Doug gave on the Prerequisites for the Lord’s Return:
o “God’s answer to the flesh is not the blood – it’s crucifixion… so what do we do? We crucify the flesh – WE do it! … If we are going to be free from the rule of sin in our body, then we crucify him” (the old Adamic nature). “What’s the option? Slaves to sin.”
o There are those that “refer to sexual sins as an addiction. That’s not an addiction; it’s slavery.”
o Doug goes into great detail in explaining the consequences of allowing sin to enslave us and the need for repentance – daily course-correcting to be sure we are walking as slaves of righteousness and not slaves of sin. This results in our sanctification.
o “Eternal life once received must be developed; eternal life received needs to expand, it needs to grow, it needs to be enlarged. And the only way that can happen is by crucifying the deeds of the flesh.”
o “We are responsible to crucify the deeds of the flesh, to pick up our cross and deny ourselves and follow Him.”
o This “eternal life is not a born-again eternal life; this is a growing eternal life that is a constant gift, but we have to be on the righteousness side – we cannot be on the sin side.”
o “The repentance is: Lord, I repent of that which would make me a slave of sin, and I chose to be a slave of righteousness – a slave to God.”
o “There’s no middle ground. We’re either a slave of sin; or we’re a slave to righteousness, and therefore a slave of God.”
Resources recommended:
Courageous (movie):

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