Discover WHO you truly are with me 17-21 July

1 year ago

Do you have any idea of your super powers?

Discover what it means to become SUPER CONSCIOUS with me in just 5 classes!

Are you ready to discover WHO you truly are?

Who you are behind all the layers.....

You feel it, I feel it, we all are feeling it. Our physical bodies are changing!

We are all going through a huge shift and that's one of the reasons I designed and shaped my 5 day rapid fire course - Mission: Consciousness The Human Experience to help you with exactly that.......

To provide you with the tools and the knowledge to take your mind and your body to the next level.

During the 5 evening sessions - all interactive and online, you will learn all about:

✅ Different forms of meditation and the science, inc my FREE downloadable meditation album.
✅ Different variations of breathwork,
✅ Proper wholesome nutrition and you will receive 12 months worth of my Mission Conscious Nutrition recipes books, (valued at £199)
✅ All about our energy fields and power,
✅ How to see the matrix and play it at it's own game, and detach from it, ✅ How to connect with your star family (awesome subject)
✅ And we even go deep in to astral travel and remote viewing.

All skills every single one of you can achieve and beyond.

Just speak to the hundreds members we had on join the previous courses.


To truly enter a journey of transformation we must WANT to escape the matrix that's propped us up our whole lives keeping us enclosed in this pressure bubble feeding all the negative systems.

Well, our time has come to riggle free from these strongholds and live a life of true abundance and happiness.

And it can start right here with my 5 day Mission Consciousness Course where I'll give you all the tools you need to break free and create a life of clarity, purpose, fulfillment in a nourished, healthy balanced body.

I've slashed the original cost by over 80% as I want to help as many people as possible. Will one of them be you?

The course is run via our own private chat group and online portal where all daily videos are on demand and you recieve daily workbooks to complete ( no apologies for homework - your growth will thank me for it ).

We do live coaching at 8pm UK each day over the 5 days, and you come away in a far greater place in a family of like-minded people from around the world.....

Who doesn't want that?

CLICK HERE - to secure your seat today. We currently have limited seats so all students get maximum impact.

This is your time now, claim it back with a BANG!

Much love and gratitude always

AJ Roberts ❤️🌟😁

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