🇪🇺 New Ecodesign Directive: Sustainable Products & Ban on Unsold Textiles, E&E Equipment 🇪🇺

1 year ago

The new Ecodesign Directive for Sustainable Products (ESPR) will replace the current Ecodesign Directive, introducing more Ecodesign criteria for a broader range of products. The revised legislation would apply to almost all products on the internal market (except food, feed, medicinal products and living organisms). MEPs request several changes to the Commission proposal, including a ban on destroying unsold textiles and electrical and electronic equipment. They also want the Commission to prioritise setting minimum sustainability requirements for a number of product groups in upcoming ecodesign measures, such as steel, aluminium, textiles, furniture, tyres and chemicals. This infoclip shows steel production, textiles such as clothes and footwear, tyres, paint and detergents.

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/infoclip-ecodesign-regulation_I243624

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