Honestly, Don't Watch This...Read the Description for Why

1 year ago

1. https://danreitzdotcom.medium.com/what-did-the-founding-fathers-really-say-about-guns-9811cf7a6fdc

0:00 Intro
2:20 2A Research 1
9:24 Democracy vs. Republic
30.28 2A Research 2
1:08:30 Exhausted

I am delving into the second amendment to form my own opinions about it. I want to go straight to the sources and really delve into what the founding fathers meant when they wrote the second amendment into the bill of rights. I am recording my research and posting it all online. Every second I research goes online, and I don't do any research that I don't record. So you, as a watcher, gets a completely independent viewpoint. No gimmicks. No cherry picking the data. I just scour the internet and research the second amendment. However, this results in some very tedious videos. This was not a great video, but I want to be honest with all my research. So I will be honest when I feel a video is worth watching. But don't trust me! Do your own "research" into my videos and decide for yourself. #livefree

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