The World has been intentionally Destroyed

11 months ago

It is "death by a thousand cuts" by the Devil himself. The psychopaths of the world have known for 100 years the effects of Industrial-Capitalism [rape and pillaging mother earth for nothing but profit and control]

Everything that is happing in the climate and weather and even government is ALL connected, one affects the other; the cause and effect of industrialism and wars is not rocket science, its simple math; add it all up, what is happing today equals what will happen tomorrow. If you dare to "think" of what's all happening today, can you imagine what will happen next year, and the year after?
It is a simple equation most grade school children can figure out, but bc we've all been kept distracted we are blind to the reality, dumbed down. It is adding up to complete chaos that will affect millions, even billions of people, and also innocent animals.
It has all come to a head, a point of no return, of a complete collapse of the ecosystems AND society.
Environmentally, every year for the last few years, fires, floods, and droughts have been getting worse and more extreme. Ocean temperatures which control the world's weather are warming, ice sheets of the world which also affect the climate have been melting at extreme rates, each year more than the last.

a combination of unnatural GHGs [CO2 methane refrigerants cement-curing manufacture of plastics] being injected into the Natural world combined with the toxins and acids burning the crap out of the biosphere has destroyed the natural cycles.
Increased temperatures fueled by GHG combined with the weakened biosphere create the perfect storm in the Devil's eyes.
Temperatures are getting hotter each consecutive year, mamoth forest fires super storms, flooding, droughts heat waves are all wreaking havoc.

The military-industrial complex and the psychopaths who control and own them, pocket billions in profit while half the world is starving and homeless. Governments of the world hold themselves higher and higher above THE LAW.

soon there will be food shortages, not so much in Canada, it will start in third-world countries so you won't care much, prices of food will only climb, and those who can afford it will live lavishly. Millions of animals will die, but you won't care bc its not you, you won't see it, out of sight out of mind, you will actually violently argue it's not really happening, just like you violently argue climate change is not happening as you sit the comfort of your air-conditioned home with your feet up on the table and your fridge filled with every desire. But eventually, in a few years, it will come to your home, but by then it will be too late. "They" will have the world right where they want it, everyone hating each other, blaming another nation; you'll be eager to send your sons and daughters to go slaughter other sons and daughters.

Stalin will rise from the grave and live once again to murder millions; Governments subjugated by unlimited lobbying from these influential people and companies will arrest and murder millions in the name of Demon-Ocracy/democracy.

We live in dark times, darker than ever before; governments are 110% unaccountable just like Stalin, an Ally of the West.
Agenda 30; The earth on fire and flood, droughts and starvation, People will be hearded like the sheeple they are, into 15-minute cities under the law much like the Patriot Act law force removed your rights and liberties and right to privacy.
They already tested it in Australia during covid...remember?, you were not there so you don't care.
England is fast becoming the Nazi-Police state so viled and fought against by our forefathers who are rolling over in their military graves in Europe. "take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw. The torch: be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flander's fields."

It can not be stopped, like a drop in the bucket, each year will fill the bucket closer to the top of the Devil's ultimate goal; complete destruction of God's perfect earth and every living thing on it, where it will end with a push of the nuclear bomb buttons all the psychopaths have their fingers on. Under the earth "They" will flee, to the underground cities they build today with their billions and trillions stolen from thee.

If the climate deniers are right and I'm wrong, then the world and weather will turn back to normal, things back to normal healthy and balanced, governments will stop their lawless attacks on the people, the courts will turn tail and side with the righteous; I wonder what the odds are in Vegas of that happening, Does anyone wanna bet?

God has spoken to me; God said "It is a matter of saving Souls, save as many as you can".
Will your Soul and those of your friends and family be saved, be allowed into the next world to LIVE, or will you die the death of a rabid dog? Ezekiel 33-32

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