202 odd bunch bunch in Quang Binh

8 years ago

Nguyen Thi Minh, indicating population groups 4, Bac Ly Ward, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province, the odd banana trees above, said it was the usual mold bananas, grown in home gardens on gravel.

Banana has more than 2 m long chamber and up to 202 sows, each bunch of bananas have left 16 or older, about 8 cm long each fruit. Curiously, wakes up every morning, banana "lay" for her family Ming 2 new bunch. According to Ms. Minh, stem is too long and so should she have to do heavy racks.

Recent days, stem "super cluster" attracted many people to watch and ask for a souvenir photograph. Mrs. Ming day should also welcome hundreds of curious visitors. There are people who dare to buy several million stem but she has not sold.

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