10 Moments "Pulled" From The Wheel of Time Books for the Show? Someone is HUFFING COPIUM! Pt.1

1 year ago

Joined by @SaltyTravelingC #screenrant is at it AGAIN! In another desperate attempt to relate Robert Jordans The Wheel of Time Books to the TERRIBLE Show that skips most of the material, Screen RANT! tries extremely hard to find something from teh books that is in the show........ they come up way way WAYYYYY! Short..... it is a truly Pathetic LIST! You can find what is NOT there!

Saltys Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@UCZqkvPaoi-lQW_qFCqJTsOg
Music used from https://www.youtube.com/@UC_6hQy4elsyHhCOskZo0U5g

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