G FUEL pewdiepie energy drink review

10 months ago

check out whats rolled in to our studio its our 1st energy drink review its the @GFuelEnergy @PewDiePie edition Lingonberry flavor MAIN Thumbnail in editing right now #technowarriorstv #pewdiepie #review

A divine elixir suitable for only the most EPIC of gamers! A LINGONBERRY-infused tonic of Swedish origin, inspired by the BIGGEST YOUTUBER OF ALL TIME! A delicious, ready-to-drink, high-performance, a carbonated tribute to the CEO OF FLOOR GANG! THE PEWDIEPIE G FUEL CAN!!!! INSPIRED BY…PEWDIEPIE!!! TIME FOR FLAVOR!!!
Choose 12 or 4 Lingonberry Cans

✔ 16 Oz. 300 Mg Caffeine Carbonated Can
✔ Zero Sugar + Zero Calories
✔ S7™ Complex (Ketones)

Verdict Techno warriors editors choice award 10/10

Check out @PewDiePie YouTube channel in the link below


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