RFK Jr. speaks about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine collecting Russian DNA to make ethnical Bio weapon

11 months ago


RFK Jr. speaks about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine who have been collecting Russian DNA to make ethnically targeted Bio weapons for years now.

A chain of Biolabs that the US and other western countries have established from Ukraine over countries in Caucasus and into central Asia (Former Soviet Republic) and even the infamous lab in Wuhan is one of the labs they have been working with, this one was a cooperation between the US Government and other US institutions, the public and in some cases even the Governments haven't been fully aware of what is going on there, cases in Georgia (2016/17)showed that Bio Weapon diseases have popped up in the population around those labs!
It looks like a effort by the US and some other NATO countries to establish a deniable opportunity to release patogens against the countries around the labs!
The really interesting part is that the people and institutions involved (Fauci is just one of them) have been involved in the Covid-19 "research" as well!
It started during the Obama Administration as a kind of outsourcing of the dangerous "work" with the nice capabilities to release them and claim it was no attack, it just happened and private institutions (deeply connected and funded by the Government) were involved!
Interestingly enough I watched a interview on RT (it was translated and aired on RT America or UK) in 2017 where a Russian former intelligence official was talking about the incidents and the blood (DNA) sample efforts by the US over these labs, he spoke also about the incidents in some of the countries and which patogens were released.

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