9 years ago

For you, a loved one, friend, classmate, student, coworker, customer, client, grocery store checkout line companion, or street passerby. If you hear someone say any of the following, this youtube HopeFamilyResources website is a place to start for personal an relationship help.
*I've been sexually abused
*I was raped
*I might stop drinking & drugs
*I am so afraid
*I need to handle my anger better
*I hate how I look
*I feel burnout
*I get depressed often
*I may have an eating disorder
*I feel terribly lonely/inferior
*I no longer want to live
*I/My girlfriend may be pregnant
*I'm tempted to go too far on a date
*I keep ending up with the wrong men
*I need marriage help
*I have a grudge against my parents
* I need parenting help
*My college classes are dull; I want to change majors
*I don't know what to do with my life

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