Japan Will Not Be Homogenous By 2035 #japan

1 year ago

Japan will most likely not look the same in 2035.

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You read that title correctly my friends. Japan will not be a Homogenous country by 2035. For the longest time Japan has been known to be a country that is very homogenous and were not very immigrant friendly. For the longest time, the japanese have been isolationist and always allowed a very small number of people to from other countries to live in Japan. However, that is going to change.

Whether if this is a good thing or not, that is up to them to decided. I personally dont think is such a great idea.

Now lets go ahead and see how and why Japan will end the homogeny in their country by 2035.

First lets take a look at Japanese isolation history.

It started with The sakoku era. Which was the era when japan was isolated for 265 years. From 1603–1867. Japan managed to avoid early globalization when the Europeans were traveling the entire world and conquering lands. The Japanese leaders took notice of this early on and decided to ban and limit foreigners into their country.

They would search any European ships that arrives for Christians or Catholic priest. They would execute any japanese who would have connections with foreigners. They would also not allow any japanese people who left on ships to return home. They had eachother and nothing else.

With those 265 years japan managed to maintain so much of their cultural identity and creativity such as Haiku poems and wood paintings. This was much needed since Japan was coming out of the Sengoku era which had constant civil wars.

Some say that the Japanese Emperor Isolated Japan to prevent christianity to take over the country.

Their Sasoku era ended in 1853 when American Commodore, Matthew Perry goes to Japan with the intention of forcing Japan into trade with the Americas.

Perry threatened japan to open their borders for trade or go to war. The japan decided to open their country. It still bottles my mind why they didnt go to war with America since they had so much war within their country. It was hard to continue with the policy especially as western technology at the time was more advance so perhaps the japanese leaders wanted some of that technology. Who knows

Japan adapted many western things such as European suits, food, within 20 years they mastered the art of creating trains and railroads.

Afte world war 2 came the economic miracle of Japan.

From the 1960s to the 1980s Japan became and economic power house. With so many companies creating amazing products and distributing those products around the world. Everything form Cars, radio, televisions, home appliances and other hardware. Japan's economy was worth more than America during that time

The 1980s in Japan was party. If you thought the 1980s in America was a party you have not seen anything. In 1980s, a japanese business man would spend tens of thousands of dollars on drinking, partying and going out. It was absolutely amazing.

The 1980s was when the legendary studio Ghibli started. It was one heck of a time and Americans were jealous of the japanese because back then the japanese YEN was worth more than the dollar but you are not going to hear that in the mainstream media.

Then came the banking Crisis 1990s - I am not going bore you with the details because I am not a banking expert however, to make the long story short, during the banking crisis many people were afraid to take out loans to start a business. Interest rate were really high and this caused an economic slow down and ever since that crisis Japan has not been able to recover. I recommend doing a little more research yourself because the banking system is complicated to understand and I cannot everything in this video.

So, fast forward to now, the japanese economy has been stagnating for a long time. Their population began to drop. The population ages and without enough children it is difficult to create economic growth.

The japanese are not having enough children therefore there is not enough workers to cover much needed job positions and to pay for the retirement of the elderly.

Shinzo Abe a once prime minister of Japan has advocated for more foreigners into Japan to make up for the lack of japanese workers.

Japanese leaders will make laws to bring in more foreign workers to japan and do the jobs that other japanese people dont want to do or are unable to do because of their age. Seems like every rich country is doing the same thing.

As the population of japan shrinks and more foreigners enter the country, this will change the demographics and as a result, japan will no longer be a homogenous country.

As of right now Japan is 98% japanese and 2% foreign residents.


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