The Anunnaki , Fallen Angels from the Book of Enoch?

1 year ago

Long ago, in a time enveloped in forgotten legends and ancient scriptures, a tale unfolded that spoke of cosmic beings known as the Fallen Angels. These celestial beings, as described in the Book of Enoch, ignited curiosity and raised questions about their connection to other ancient myths, such as the Anunnaki.

Far away in the outer space known as heavens, before the dawn of humanity, as we know it today, a celestial council assembled to discuss Earth's future. Among the council members, a group of powerful beings came forward, captivated by the beauty of the mortal realm. Driven by their own carnal desires and curiosity, they pleaded for permission to descend to Earth.

The council granted their request, allowing them to embark on a voyage into the unknown. As they descended from the stars, the magnificent beings witnessed wonders but also limitations of the heavy gravity planet. They marveled at the gigantic forests, traversed towering mountains, and gazed in awe at the vast seas.

However, as time passed, their fascination turned into obsession. The forbidden whispers of Earthly desires grew louder, and a handful of those who came from the stars succumbed to their carnal temptations, breaking the divine law of interfering with a primitive population unaware of their divine connection. These rebellious beings known as angels, led by the charismatic Azazel, descended further into the earthly realm, cultivating forbidden knowledge of manifestation.

As the angels mingled with humanity, they became known as the Watchers, an ethereal presence hidden from mortal eyes. They passed on ancient wisdom, teaching humankind forbidden arts, celestial secrets, and the mysteries of the cosmos. But their interaction soon turned darker, as the Watchers sought to rule over humans, seeking power beyond their cosmic origins.

As the Watchers probed the boundaries of their newfound influence, their actions caught the attention of the divine council once more. Disturbed by the corruption that ensued, the council declared judgment upon the fallen angels. The heavenly hosts descended to Earth, triggering a celestial war.

Yet, the fallen angels, filled with regret and remorse, beseeched the divine council for mercy. Woven in their pleas were tales of love, sacrifice, and redemption.

At the heart of their stories lay humanity—a species whose potential and ability to love ignited a glimmer of hope within the council members.

Moved by these narratives, the divine council decided to spare their existence but imprisoned the fallen angels within the depths of the Earth, binding their ethereal essence.

The tale of the fallen angels, as described in the Book of Enoch, bears striking resemblances to the legends of the Anunnaki, ancient Mesopotamian deities.

While the fallen angels whispered forbidden knowledge to mankind, the Anunnaki descended to Earth in search of vital resources, shaping human history and mythology along the way. Though distinct in origin, these celestial narratives both explore the relationship between higher beings and humanity, while hinting at the potential interplay and influence that exists between realms.

And here, our story reaches its end, leaving you yearning for deeper insights into the fallen angels, the Anunnaki, and their captivating tales.

But how can it be that the angels being spiritual beings could procreate with humans?

Perhaps, to the primitive people anyone who could travel among the stars was like and angel with wings, which allowed them to travel. Perhaps, one day humanity will become angels to other primitive civilisation we shall visit…

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