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Live w/ Dr. Lee Merritt

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Dr. Lee Merritt goes live....

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  • 0/2000
  • As usual Dr Merritt you've knocked it out of the ball park, brilliant and timely information. And I certainly won't be wasting my time going to the Oppenheimer propaganda film! I have sent this out to my many contacts as well. Thank you so much!!! Ms Moretti

  • I suggest Dr. Merritt update her perspective further and call this the "Directed Energy Age" -- which encompasses scalar energy. Dr. Judy Wood conclusively proved that the old-school argument of demolition (explosive energy) for the Twin Towers destruction is another misdirect away from Tesla technology -- that was actually used on 9/11. Dr. Wood wrote: We have used the terms "beam-field weapons" and "directed energy weapons" to refer to unconventional weapons (exotic weapons) that are energy weapons. We broadly define DEW as Energy that is Directed and is used as a Weapon. The full range of these weapons is classified information, so we make no limits or distinction of categories within the realm of energy weapons, as doing so would imply specific knowledge of all that is available. In the following paragraph, we have listed some of the possibilities we are aware of. ... we make no claim about whether the directed energy weapon operated from a space-, air-, or ground-based platform. Nor do we make any claim about what wavelength(s) was used, what the source(s) of energy was, whether it involved interference of multiple beams, whether it involved sound waves, whether it involved sonoluminescence, whether it involved antimatter weapons, whether it involved scalar weapons, whether it was HAARP (more here and here), whether it involved a nuclear process (e.g. NDEW, more info), whether it involved conventional directed energy weapons (conDEW), whether it involved improvised directed energy weapons (iDEW), nor what kind of accelerator was used, nor do we claim to know what the serial numbers of the parts that were in the weapon(s). What we do claim is that the evidence is consistent with the use of energy weapons that go well beyond the capabilities of conventional explosives and can be directed.* "Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11" * https://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam7.html

  • Great info on what to do if you see the flash. I'm in a small house, hard to get away from windows, have a closet that doesn't have a window nearby. Have to bring my kitty treats and shake the container to get them in with me. Thanks, good to see you.

  • Thank you doc! Always great info from you!!

  • On the mms, in the book it says to avoid certain food and drs while taking. Such as milk, orange juice coconut water, pineapples and vitamins for 2 hrs b4 or 2 hrs after. Do you do that?

  • So we don't have to be concerned about the shedding? From what you said I assume not. You said to be around people unafraid.

  • Well someone is laying about radiation, or that area being bomb by a nuclear weapon.

  • Dr. Judy Wood has a book on Where Did The Towers Go, in reference to 9/11, which looks remarkably like Tesla's weapon design. Check out: https://philberg.substack.com/p/where-did-the-towers-go BTW, I was in the 2nd grade elementary school when JFK was assassinated. https://philberg.substack.com/p/who-shot-jfk

  • Love Dr. Lee Merritt 🥰

  • Not all is as it seems, folks, with Tim Ballard and Sound of Freedom. Watch this: https://www.brighteon.com/41e6f57c-6538-4538-ae33-e033dfa0f401 A year or so ago I watched Tim Ballard giving a presentation. I was moved by it and reached out to his organization. Thought I could use my cyber security skills to help in seaching the dark web and social engineering my way into getting info on traffickers. The organization wasn't interested. Didn't want my help. Who wouldn't want help in this area, even if it was just leads as I discovered them? I thought then Tim Ballard and his organization were suspect. Now I learn more from the video above and I believe my suspicions are correct. We need to learn to be more vigilant and hone our discernment or we're going to keep falling for scammer's lies.

  • Thank You Dr. Merritt!! Fantastic as usual 😊

  • I sure appreciate your work Seeing the flash reference reminding me of Bird Box where they couldn’t look at whatever it was killing pr changing people - so much predictive programming My question is about my spinal cord injury - Syringomyelia that happened when I was being trafficked Many people with Syringomyelia have the sensation of their bodies being under intense pressure as if being squeezed tight like in a vice & having the sensation as if a heavy blanket was across our upper backs (cape like fashion) - the worst part is the extreme constant deep burning pain - it's so intense that it makes my blood pressure skyrocket - from all I've been studying these past few years it seems likely this could be achieved with targeted energy. Please tell me what you think - you can contact me through Kevin

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  • We love you. Please come on HVU High Vibes UP. Kevin has our email. We share your info. You are spot on. Thank you. Diane.

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  • This is particularly important information. Thanks Lee.

    1 like
  • Can't really compare Fat Man and Little Boy atomic bombs with today's thermonuclear weapons. Here's a video comparing https://youtu.be/fs1CIrwg5zU FM and LB were atomic bombs - fission only. Todays nukes are fisson for initial igniting then fusion for the blast which is many more times in magnitude. Popular Mechanics has a recent article describing the technology. Russia's largest nuke striking Manhatten has a blast radius that reaches half way across Long Island. Good luck hiding in your closest with your cat if you live in NYC, as NY's publuc service announcement told you to do. Civil Defense is parotting the hide in your closet narrative. Propaganda to avoid the mass panic and mayhem of 9 million people trying to flee NYC all at once. Besides the size and intensity of the blast, the intense heat that will vaporaize anything organic (humans, pets, plants), and intense gamma radiation there's the nuclear ionization of everything in the blast zone turning into dust. There is no "safe and effective" nuke you can protect yourself against by hiding in a closet.