11 months ago

1 Corinthians 10:31 New King James Version
31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

DO IT ALL FOR GOD!!! GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA GANG!!! Due to how absolutely disgusting, hot it is outside, Ricky and I decided to stay in today. Ricky just got done watching the women's finals of Wimbledon, and a young girl from the Czech Republic with the last name of Vondrosova is the women's champ! On the plus side, I am feeling better, and I'm able to hold down food. As a matter of fact I ate some bacon and eggs this morning, for which I was very grateful for, and I think I can go to more solid food if you get my meaning. Just please keep me in prayer, because my stomach muscles are hurting me. Right now, we're just relaxing, in air conditioning, very grateful for the day God gave us, and I hope that God's given you a good day too.

Something about this passage of scripture, in particular what Paul says in verse 17, has always tugged at my heart in different ways, but today God really challenged me in this, and I wanted to share what's on my heart with you guys. To start with I want to share these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that these questions will get you to thinking about how you can honor God in your daily activities, but most of all that you are putting every effort in what you do, and doing it for Him.

How might you reconsider your perspective on everyday activities?

How can you rely on God’s Spirit for the tasks of your day?

As I said before, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from his word, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you, not only challenges you, but encourages and motivates you to put forth your every effort in the things that you do in your everyday life, and make sure that you're putting forth that effort to God. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn what it means to be empowered for God even in the everyday and mundane things that you do!

So, as I close this post for tonight, I pray that you ask God to enable you through His Holy Spirit to honor Him in everything that you say and do. That even in the everyday things of life, doing the laundry, brushing your teeth, making the bed, cooking, or any activities that you think have little spiritual value, that you put forth your best effort in doing them, because you're doing them for God. Choose to do everything that you do, as well as what you say, for God's honor and glory, and watch how He will not only use you mightily for Him, but also bless you for your willingness to serve Him. Above all everyone, don't seek your own glory, but seek God’s, and allow Him to use you, even in the everyday and mundane!


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