binary music 432hz rich frequency - listen and get rich

1 year ago

The world is one and whole, and each part of it is a fragmentary reflection of everything in common in the small.
The frequency of 432 Hz is an alternative setting that is in line with the harmonics of the Universe.
Music based on 432 Hz has a beneficial healing energy because it is the pure tone of the mathematical basis of nature.
The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been discovered so far have mostly been tuned to 432 Hz.
In ancient Greece, musical instruments were predominantly tuned to 432 Hz. In the archaic Greek mysteries, Orpheus was the god of music, death and rebirth, and the guardian of Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned to 432 Hz). And this is not accidental, the ancients knew more about the unity of the Universe than their contemporaries
Goebbels knew that the frequency 432 had a perfect harmonic balance. This is the only frequency that evokes the Pythagorean musical spiral containing the famous and unsolved PLATO CODE.
True, recently the American mathematician and historian of science Jay Kennedy, who works at the University of Manchester in the UK, announced that he had cracked the secret code hidden in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. According to Kennedy, Plato shared the Pythagorean ideas about the music of the spheres - the inaudible musical harmony of the universe - and built his works according to the laws of musical harmony.
“One of the most famous Platonic dialogues, The Republic, is divided into twelve parts, according to the number of sounds in the chromatic musical scale, which the ancient Greeks had ideas about. Moreover, at each junction there are phrases that are somehow related to music or sounds, ”the researcher said.

What are the ancient solfeggio frequencies? These are the original sound frequencies used in ancient Gregorian chants such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist. Many of them, according to church authorities, were lost many centuries ago.
These powerful frequencies were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo. This is described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

Here they are:

Do - 396 Hz - Release from guilt and fear
Re - 417 Hz - Neutralizing situations and promoting change
Mi - 528 Hz - Transformation and miracles (DNA repair)
Fa - 639 Hz - Connection and relationships
Sol - 741 Hz - Awakening of Intuition
La - 852 Hz - Return to the spiritual order.

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