Calculate Your Sales Acceleration

11 months ago

Calculate Your Sales Acceleration

TLDR: Sales acceleration is a measure of the change in sales velocity over time, and a negative acceleration indicates that there are issues in the sales process that need to be addressed.

1. 00:00 💡 Sales acceleration is the difference in velocity over a period of time, calculated by subtracting the sales in the previous month from the sales in the current month and dividing it by the number of months.

2. 00:54 💨 Calculate your acceleration over a year by thinking of a gas pedal.

3. 01:05 💡 The sales acceleration is $100 per month, calculated by subtracting the January velocity from the December velocity and dividing the result by 12.

4. 01:37 📉 Your negative sales acceleration indicates that something in your sales process is broken, so analyze deal size, close rates, number of opportunities, and sales cycle to make necessary improvements and achieve a positive acceleration rate.

LMS Sales Velocity Academy:

MetaVerse Sales Training:

Sales Keynote Speaker- Trainer:

Sales trainer and consultant, Victor Antonio is one of the most dynamic speakers on the subject of sales influence and persuasion. He is the author of 14 books on sales and motivation. His most recent book "Mastering the Upsell", focuses on how you can increase your revenues by selling more to prospects or existing clients. He is also the founder of the, an online sales training platform.

#salesvelocity #salesacceleration #salestips

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