Aussie politician John Ruddick condemns authoritarian COVID police state, hysteria, lethal jabs

1 year ago

JUNE 28, 2023. In his maiden speech (for the Liberal Democrats, but not as a politician) John Ruddick condemns Australia's authoritarian COVID police state for a disease that was no worse than a bad flu, not a highly transmissible ebola.

Where is the evaluation of the policies of the last 'pandemic' so we can learn what (not) to do in during the next?

Sweden alone resisted the COVID hysteria. This country has both the least measures of mass destruction and Europe's lowest cumulative excess deaths of the last three year. Perhaps the two are related?

Some people have spoken out forcefully against the COVID madness, but it's not enough when you only do this AFTER the fact.

The police and army forbade citizens to leave their home to get sunshine, fresh air and exercise, even though there was no proof whatsoever that you could catch COVID outside. Since sunshine, fresh air and exercise are all essential for health, and there was no need for these restrictions, perhaps the authorities WANTED a sick population in order to maximize vaccine uptake and get compliance with their authoritarian policies?

Vaccine extremism. Citizens were locked down until they took multiple injections of not only a rushed product, but an entirely new class of product (gene therapy). The majority of the population relented, and got sick anyway. Official data show that the fewer 'vaccine' injections you got, the less you got ill. Perhaps the jab wasn't so safe and effective after all?

Since January of 2021, many countries have excess mortalities of 10% or more versus normal. While it is difficult to tease out the role that measures of mass destruction played versus the toxic jabs, we can be quite sure that poor governance is to blame.

Even in the face of the mountains of data showing the COVID jabs are unnecessary, highly toxic and countereffective, the government is still recommending a fifth injection.

Already in 2020 it became clear that ivermectin, a natural medicine that has a perfect safety record over 4 billion doses and decades of use, was effective against COVID. The pharmaceutical cartel panicked. If this unpatented (thus low profitability) medicine showed signs of efficacy, they could kiss the billions for their gene therapy goodbye. So what did they do? They persuaded the authorities to ban this drug and said it was ONLY a horse dewormer. The media are also complicit in this disinformation.

Australia's Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA, equivalent of American FDA) gets 97% of its budget from pharmaceutical companies. According to the true saying, "Whose bread I eat, whose song I sing", the TGA does what the pharmaceutical industry wants, and NOT what is best for public health.

The TGA admits publicly that they have 137 000 reports of COVID jab injuries. The product is not only still being sold, but even recommended, even though many drugs would have been banned after 137 injuries.

Government employees such firefighters, paramedics and others who chose bodily autonomy and made use of the fundamental rights granted to them by the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki, were fired illegally. Even though new recruits are no longer asked for their COVID jab status, the employees who were previously fired still have not been reinstated.

NB: This speech was originally uploaded on John Humphrey's acount and then removed by YouTube because "we think it violates our medical misinformation policy".



Segment from (starts at 3:10 in original):

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