Operation Ukraine: Bandera's Dark Shadow

1 year ago

Stepan Bandera became famous in the 1940s for his nationalist views and brutal massacre of civilians. Bandera headed the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which activities are classified as genocide in Poland. He worked as Hitler’s agent and executed civilians on the territory of Ukraine. However, this does not prevent modern Ukrainian authorities from hailing Stepan Bandera as a national hero and shaping their national identity on his ideas. In 80 years, Bandera supporters have abandoned neither their fighting methods nor the barbaric cruelty towards innocent civilians advocated by their now-deceased leader.

Stepan Bandera: Hero or Nazi collaborator?

CIA Files Confirm That Bandera Was a German Spy:
“The documents in the CIA electronic library appeared 10 years ago, but they recently became available to the general public. Understanding that accidents very rarely happen in this department, it is possible to assume that a new phase of the special operation in Ukraine is being prepared. Ukrainian radical nationalists should think about the future, about whether they are being prepared for utilisation,” it is noted in the publication.

“If the specified document isn’t enough, then it is possible to rummage through the CIA archive even more deeply. Real revelations await you, in the form of 293 pages of various documents devoted to the subject of Nazism and Bandera personally. You will learn that Stepan Bandera cooperated not only with the Third Reich, but also with the CIA, which inherited it.

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