Pagan ways in the church. Ultimate Red Pill.

1 year ago

This is an excerpt from Rob skiba's presentation. I've listed the link below. This segment begins around 37:00 timestamp. Jeremiah 10 pagan tree ritual.

It's pretty evident to me. We are steeped in Idol worship because it's all we've known having lived in the captured state of Babylon. The children of Israel did the same. 400 years of captivity in Egyptian led them to "do as the Egyptians do" & they golden calf Exodus 32.

It's time. God is delivering us out of Babylonian captivity after 400 years!! And now it's time to take Babylon out of us! Praise Jesus Christ!

We've got alot of work to do. Research what pleases God YHVH & Jesus Christ & what doesn't but pleases ultimatly, Satan. It's one or the other. Praise Jesus Christ for his grace & mercy, long suffering with us, for time to recognize the lies & our alignment with them through ignorance & deception of generations & leading us to know the truth fully & fully please God & Jesus Christ.

We MUST stop pleasing gods & their idols & humble ourselves to pray, research, discover & change our minds & ways & come into desire to please Jesus Christ out of shere appreciation, reverent respect for who he is & all he's done! And, we must pray for & develop the courage to confront the decieved with this pure truth. The way to change & growing into big change is through one person's Awakening at a time. Then our family, friends, neighbors, communities, nations change. Prayer and the Truth, Jesus Christ, will bring about the change. It's time.

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