1 year ago

Original Channel

The first
minutes transcribed: Many have argued that Zionism is mutually exclusive to Judaism. With such thinking that jews who denounce Zionism are quickly free to be placed in the category of "good jews" even if they retain the religion of judaism. Yet on examination of both Jewish beliefs, the teaching of the Talmud and historical records of Jewish behavior tell a quite different story. It is one that asserts that the fundamental problem of the Jews is their jewishness and so far as jewishness is defined as an idea of racial supremacy, one which regulates all other races to a position of inferiority. As is illustrated elsewhere, and I implore you to research the Jewish Talmudic teaching, it professes that it is okay to cheat a nonjew, that a nonjew is always wrong in any argument with a Jew and that it is okay to kill a nonjew. If you wonder why it has been so long since our medical industry has found a cure for anything, it is because it is also Jewish (Talmudic) law that states you cannot cure a nonJew of any illness and the medical industry is vastly controlled by Jews. It is important to examine the work of William Shakespeare, whose true name is Sir Francis Bacon and Bacon's work, The Merchant of Venice. He not only illustrates the common behavior of the jew, but also that they were noted to be such evil people that they were, come nightfall, to be locked up in a guarded area of town. This is a matter of historical record. But the Jews have since removed the book from school reading lists. One might believe that such a position toward the Jews was only known in Venice or Nazi Germany. But here will be shown the centuries-long history of the Jews expulsion from from numerous countries throughout the world before Zionism was even codified. It is the behavior of the Jews, their ideas of racial supremacy, and wicked beliefs which are the real culprits.

A comment from LOTUS on the PURETRAUMA357JM channel, first of all, it's 111 now which includes Yemen and Afghanistan recently. Second of all, yes from 111 countries, but if you count areas, states and not just countries, then it's about 400. Would you count the same place more than once, as they were expelled from some places more than once, it would be even more.

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