1320 E Vine Street, Kalamazoo, MI Presented by Richard Stewart.

1 year ago

Click to see more: https://1320EVineStr.TheBestListing.com

1320 E Vine Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

Contact Richard Stewart for more information.
REO Specialists llc

1320 E Vine St Kalamazoo MI 49001 KALAMAZOO COUNTY TAX SALE AUCTION 8/1/23 www.TAX-SALE.INFO Advance bids will be accepted for this auction starting July 2nd, 2023 at 10:00 am (EDT) (30 days prior to the auction date). You may place, edit, or delete advance bids up until the auction start time which is Tuesday, August 1st, 2023 at 10:00 am (EDT).After this time, active bidding will commence. During active bidding, you may place new bids or increase your bid, but cannot delete or reduce bids. Active bidding will conclude on Tuesday,8/1/23 at 7pm (EDT) & the winning bidder will be determined at that time.This bid amount does NOT include 10% buyer's premium, current taxes, or $30 recording fee which are added at checkout. Richard Stewart REO Specialists Llc www.REOmamma.com

License Number: 6502431179

Licensed In: Michigan

Register for Richard Stewart's FREE list of Foreclosures, Bank Owned & HUD Homes at www.RichardStewart.com or call Richard Stewart 269-345-7000 REO Specialists llc

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