Psalm 51 "O my God, have mercy on me in your steadfast love, I pray" Tune: Ottawa. Sing Psalms.

1 year ago

Psalm 51 verses 1 to 19.
This is a bit rough. It was contains recordings of worship which were never intended to be performances. The change in the middle reflects the fact that this is two recordings spliced together. It is hoped that combining these might help someone memorise the whole psalm or memorise it again in the Sing Psalms version.
Sing Psalms version - O my God, have mercy on me
tune: Ottawa
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences.
William Brassey Hole - Nathan the prophet renounces the sin of David (2 Samuel 11-12)
William Brassey Hole - The sorrow of King David (2 Samuel 12)
William Brassey Hole - Saul when the Spirit of the Lord had departed from him. - (1 Samuel 16)
Joab kills Absalom (2 Samuel 18)
Joab kills Abner (2 Samuel 12)
Joab kills Amasa (2 Samuel 20)
Joab clings to the horns of the altar and is killed on Solomon's order (1 Kings 2)
Samuel and Saul at Gilgal (1 Samuel 15)
The dedication of the temple by Solomon (1 Kings 8 & 2 Chronicles 7)

There's a lecture on the psalm here:
There is a sermon on forgiveness here:

PSALM 51 8 7 8 7 7 7

1 O my God, have mercy on me
in your steadfast love, I pray;
In your infinite compassion
my transgressions wipe away.
2 Cleanse me from iniquity;
wash my sin away from me.

3 For I know my own transgressions;
I can see my sinful plight.
4 You, you only, I’ve offended,
and done evil in your sight;
So your words are verified,
and your verdict justified.

5 From my birth I have been sinful—
such the nature I received—
Sinful from my first beginning
in my mother’s womb conceived.
6 Truth you look for in my heart;
wisdom to me you impart.

7 Cleanse with hyssop, purify me;
I’ll be whiter than the snow.
8 Let the bones you crushed be joyful;
may I joy and gladness know.
9 From my failure hide your face;
blot out all my wickedness.

10 Lord, create a pure heart in me,
and a steadfast mind renew.
11 Do not take your Spirit from me;
cast me not away from you.
12 Give me back the joy I had;
keep my willing spirit glad.

13 Then I’ll teach your ways to sinners;
rebels will turn back to you.
14 Free me from blood-guilt, my Saviour,
God most merciful and true.
Then I’ll praise your righteousness;
15 teach my lips your name to bless.

16 Sacrifice does not delight you,
else my tribute I would bring;
Nor do you take any pleasure
in a whole burnt offering.
17 Contrite heart as sacrifice
you, O God, will not despise.

18 Let your blessing rest on Zion;
build Jerus’lem’s walls again.
19 Sacrifices then will please you—
bulls upon your altar slain,
Off’rings made for your delight,
truly righteous in your sight.

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