Relaxing Quran Recitation with Black Screen for Sleep, Relaxation, and Studying (Part 3/3)

1 year ago

The calming beautiful recitation of the Quran with a black screen, from chapters 33-114. The Quran recitation will give peace of mind.

#QuranRecitation #QuranVerses #QuranBlackScreen

00:00:00 - Chapter 33 - Al-Ahzab (The Confederates) الأحزاب
00:26:31 - Chapter 34 - Saba' (Sheba) ســَبَأ
00:43:58 - Chapter 35 - Fatir (The Originator) فاطِر
00:59:20 - Chapter 36 - Ya Seen (Ya Seen) يــس
01:15:37 - Chapter 37 - As-Saffat (The Rangers) الصّــافّات
01:36:42 - Chapter 38 - Sad (Sad) ص
01:52:51 - Chapter 39 - Az-Zumar (The Groups) الزُّمَر
02:16:41 - Chapter 40 - Al-Mu'min (The Believer) المُؤْمِن
02:41:38 - Chapter 41 - Fussilat (Distinguished) فُصِّلَت
02:58:40 - Chapter 42 - Ash-Shura (Counsel) الشُّوری
03:15:53 - Chapter 43 - Az-Zukhruf (Ornaments) الزُّخْرُف
03:33:38 - Chapter 44 - Ad-Dukhan (Smoke) الدُّخان
03:42:13 - Chapter 45 - Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling) الجاثِية
03:52:38 - Chapter 46 - Al-Ahqaf (The Sand-Dunes) الأحقاف
04:06:14 - Chapter 47 - Muhammad (Muhammad) مُحَمّد
04:17:18 - Chapter 48 - Al-Fath (The Victory) الفَتْح
04:29:12 - Chapter 49 - Al Hujurat (The Dwellings) الحُجُرات
04:37:10 - Chapter 50 - Qaf (Qaf) ق
04:45:32 - Chapter 51 - Adh-Dhariyat (The Wind that Scatter) الذ ّارِيات
04:54:25 - Chapter 52 - At-Tur (The Mount) الطُّور
05:01:34 - Chapter 53 - An-Najm (The Star) النَّجْم
05:09:04 - Chapter 54 - Al-Qamar (The Moon) القَمَر
05:16:42 - Chapter 55 - Ar-Rahman (The All-merciful) الرَّحمن
05:26:59 - Chapter 56 - Al-Waqi'ah (The Event) الواقِعَة
05:37:51 - Chapter 57 - Al-Hadid (The Iron) الحَديد
05:49:58 - Chapter 58 - Al-Mujadalah (The Disputer) المُجادَلة
05:59:45 - Chapter 59 - Al-Hashr (The Gathering) الحَشْر
06:09:36 - Chapter 60 - Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman Tested) المُمتَحَنة
06:18:04 - Chapter 61 - As-Saff (The Ranks) الصَّف
06:23:02 - Chapter 62 - Al-Jumu'ah (Congregation) الجُّمُعة
06:26:37 - Chapter 63 - Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites) المُنافِقُون
06:30:35 - Chapter 64 - At-Taghabun (Mutual Disillusion) التَّغابُن
06:35:51 - Chapter 65 - At-Talaq (Divorce) الطَّلاق
06:41:40 - Chapter 66 - At-tahrim (The Forbidding) التَّحْريم
06:47:37 - Chapter 67 - Al-Mulk (The Kingdom) المُلْك
06:54:13 - Chapter 68 - Al-Qalam (The Pen) القَلـَم
07:01:05 - Chapter 69 - Al-Haqqah (The Reality) الحَاقّـَة
07:07:04 - Chapter 70 - Al-Ma'arij (The Accent) المَعارِج
07:12:15 - Chapter 71 - Nuh (Noah) نُوح
07:16:59 - Chapter 72 - Al-Jinn (The Jinn) الجِنّ
07:22:50 - Chapter 73 - Al-Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One) المُزَّمّـِل
07:27:08 - Chapter 74 - Al-Muddaththir (Shrouded) المُدَّثــِّر
07:32:59 - Chapter 75 - Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) القِيامَة
07:36:39 - Chapter 76 - Al -Insan (The Human) الإنسان
07:42:13 - Chapter 77 - Al-Mursalat (The Emissaries) المُرسَلات
07:47:06 - Chapter 78 - An-Naba' (The Tidings) النـَّبأ
07:51:24 - Chapter 79 - An-Nazi'at (Those who drag forth) النـّازِعات
07:55:28 - Chapter 80 - 'Abas (He Frowned) عَبَس
07:58:46 - Chapter 81 - At-Takwir (The Overthrowing) التـَّكْوير
08:01:15 - Chapter 82 - Al-Infitar (The Cleaving) الإنفِطار
08:03:16 - Chapter 83 - Al-Mutaffifin (The Derauding) المُطـَفِّفين
08:07:32 - Chapter 84 - Al-Inshiqaq (The Sundering) الإنشِقاق
08:10:09 - Chapter 85 - Al-Buruj (The Mansions of Stars) البُروج
08:12:40 - Chapter 86 - At-Tariq (The Night-star) الطّارق
08:14:12 - Chapter 87 - Al-A'la (The Most High) الأعلی
08:15:51 - Chapter 88 - Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming) الغاشِيَة
08:17:56 - Chapter 89 - Al-Fajr (The Dawn) الفَجْر
08:21:12 - Chapter 90 - Al-Balad (The City) البَـلـَد
08:23:02 - Chapter 91 - Ash-Shams (The Sun) الشــَّمْس
08:24:24 - Chapter 92 - Al-Layl (The Night) اللـَّيل
08:26:12 - Chapter 93 - Ad-Duha (The Forenoon) الضُّحی
08:27:15 - Chapter 94 - Al-Inshirah (The Expanding) الإنشـِراح
08:27:54 - Chapter 95 - At-Tin (The Fig) التـِّين
08:28:49 - Chapter 96 - Al-'laq (The Clot) العَلـَق
08:30:26 - Chapter 97 - Al -Qadr (The Power) القـَدر
08:31:11 - Chapter 98 - Al -Bayyinah (The Clear Proof) البَيِّنَة
08:33:13 - Chapter 99 - Az-Zilzal (The Earthquake) الزِّلزال
08:34:07 - Chapter 100- Al-'Adiyat (The Chargers) العـَاديات
08:35:07 - Chapter 101- Al-Qari'ah (The Calamity) القارِعَة
08:36:01 - Chapter 102- At-Takathur (The Rivalry) التَكاثـُر
08:36:49 - Chapter 103- Al-'Asr (The Declining Day) العَصْر
08:37:14 - Chapter 104- Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) الهُمَزَة
08:38:03 - Chapter 105- Al-Fil (The Elephant) الفيل
08:38:41 - Chapter 106- Quraysh (Quraysh) قـُرَيْش
08:39:16 - Chapter 107- Al-Ma'un (Small Kindness) الماعُون
08:39:59 - Chapter 108- Al-Kawthar (Abundance) الكـَوْثَر
08:40:23 - Chapter 109- Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers) الكافِرون
08:41:11 - Chapter 110- An-Nasr (The Help) النـَّصر
08:41:44 - Chapter 111- Al-Masad (The Palm Fiber) المسد
08:42:21 - Chapter 112- Al-Ikhlas (The Sincerity) الإخـْلاص
08:42:43 - Chapter 113- Al-Falaq (Daybreak) الفـَلَق
08:43:16 - Chapter 114- an-Nas (The Mankind)

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