Christian Michael Mares caught in avalanche 2016: Go Pro and iPhone angle

8 years ago

Description Info: Dual footage. GoPro footage of Christian Michael getting caught and swimming an avalanche, as well as an Iphone's Vantage Point capture of the initial slide.
Occurrence Date: January 15th, 2016
Location: Sugar Bowl Resort, Lake Tahoe, California
Info From Licensor: "We were at Suger Bowl resort having a great time. We found this bowl that looked like a lot of fun. We took several runs through the bowl taking things step by step. We did a lot of things to see if the face was gonna slide. It never slid. We did know that if anything was gonna slid it would be this hit over the cliff. Every run we talked about what to do and what would happen if it did slide out on us. We were mentally and physical prepared for whatever happened next. We knew what the run out looked like and had a lot of discussion about the whole bowl. Then the face popped. I was trying to get to the tree so I could cling onto it but I missed it. So after I went down the chute I was buried about chest deep. So I started swimming and manage to get my self to the top. That's when the snow stopped moving and I found myself on the top." Christian Michael

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